Jane’ Magnolia or Magnolia ‘Jane’,
is a beautiful tree that begins to bloom reddish and white flowers sometime April-May. They bloom for 2-4weeks before they fall, and the green magnolia leaves emerge. They grow to a height of 20-25 ft and a spread of 15-20ft. They tend to bloom later than other magnolias, so they are less likely to receive frost damage. It is a particularly cold hardy plant and has a Hardiness zone of 4-8 so it can be planted in most areas of the United States except for the extreme cold and heat. This plant grows to a big size so selecting a location before planting is important as moving it later will be much harder. Also, its roots grow only 1 inch a year so it is best not to move it otherwise damage could come to them. It is good for house lawns as it can provide privacy because of its thick foliage but also beauty with its beautiful flowers. It needs well-drained moist soil with a little bit of neutral to acid. Full sun with partial shade to help it grow is best with a medium amount of water. This tree is shipped in a 1-gallon container.