Pineapple Guava or Acca sellowiana,
is a evergreen shrub and tree that blooms in the spring with flowers that have red and pink petals with some purple on the inside and red stamens that are gold tipped. These flowers are scattered throughout the tree and are not like other shrubs or trees that have dense clustered petals. The flowers can still be seen from a distance but the evergreen foliage stands out. Following the flowers are oval shaped green fruit which have a waxy skin surrounding it. They are edible once you cut it open and scoop the inside out with a spoon. They are not seen in many grocery stores because they bruise easily during shipment, rather they are sold locally from where they are grown. These fruits are very easy to gather as they fall when they are ripe, to find out just shake the tree to see if any fruits fall and gather what falls to the ground leaving the rest for another day. It grows between 10-15ft tall and 5-15ft wide. It needs full sun with partial shade for its growth and for the best fruit to grow. A medium amount of water is best with well-drained soil. It has a hardiness zone of 8-10 so it can only grow in the warmer areas of the United States, yet once it is grown it can survive 18°F. It is shipped in a 1-gallon container.