Plum ‘AU Producer’


A heave producing plum with purple skin and red flesh that ripens in June.

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Prunus salicina ‘AU Producer’

AU Producer was introduced by Auburn University in 1977.  The fruit is clingstone with purple skin and red flesh that is sweet and juicy making it good for fresh eating as well as canning. It has high resistance to bacterial canker, bacterial fruit spot and bacterial leaft spot.  It has been aptly named for the large number of fruits the tree produces in June.  The trees are grafted on Halford rootstock and will be a 7-10 foot tree when mature.  Plant in full sun in well drained soil. Hardy in zones 5-9.  It is suggested that you have another plum tree for cross pollination in order to insure a good crop of plums.  Trees are three gallon size and are shipped bare root.

Additional information

Weight 4.5 lbs