Vaccinium ashei ‘Tifblue’
A university of Georgia introduction. Tifblue is widely adapted across Southeast (all of Alabama) southward to north Florida. It requires 650 chill hours, that is hours 45 degrees farenheit and below. Harvest season is from June 20 to July 30 (at Petals). The plant is spreading/upright with many canes per plant. It is the largest plant among rabbiteye varieties, will grow to 16 feet and taller if left unpruned. It probably has the finest fall color among varieties. The fruit is medium size, medium to light blue, berries have fairly good firmness. It has one of the better records on cropping following damaging freezes. Has been the standard to which all other varieties are compared. Plant in full sun in well drained acid soil with a ph of 4.0 to 5.5. A good pollinator for Tifblue would be Brightwell, Climax or Premier. Hardy in zones 7-9. Plants are shipped in one gallon containers.