Shoal Creek Chaste Tree or Vitex agnus-castus ‘Shoal Creek‘,
is a deciduous small trunk tree. It blooms lavender tubular flowers that attract butterflies between July & August. Each bloom is made up of a cluster of flowers each with 4-5 pedals that grow upwards sticking above the foliage making the purple pop out. The 5-7 lanced shaped leaves are a grayish-green that have a silver undertone that produces a lovely effect when tossed by the wind. This tree is best grown in hardiness zones 7 and up as often it may die by the colder conditions in 5-6, yet if this does happen often times the roots survive and will grow the following year. It grows between 4-15ft tall and 4-12ft wide. It needs full sun (6 or more hours a day) each day and grows best when it gets less shade. Medium water helps it grow best with well-drained soil that is moist, is occasionally dry, has acid <6.0, alkaline (>8.0), and neutral (6-8) in it. This plant is shipped in a 1-gallon container.