Eustis Limequat – 3gal.


Eustis Limequat is a cross between a Key lime and a kumquat.<

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SKU: 562 Category:


Citrus japonica x citrus aurantiifolia “Eustis Limequat’

A cross between a Key lime and a kumquat.  The fruit is light green to yellow with light green flesh and excellent flavor. It looks and tastes very much like the Key lime.  A good container plant as the tree will stay fairly small.  The limequat is more cold hardy than the Key lime or Persian Lime. Plant in full sun in well drained soil.  Hardy in zones 9-11.  We offer this tree in a 3 gallon size and the plants are shipped bareroot.  Sorry we cannot ship citrus trees to Arizona, Florida, Texas, Louisiana or California.

Additional information

Weight 4.5 lbs